About Us
The purpose of the Pearls Among the Ivy Foundation is to sponsor, implement and promote quality programs of service for the citizens and diverse communities of Greensboro and Guilford County. The Pearls Among the Ivy Foundation will sponsor programs that target the needs of the local community with activities that support the community’s youth; provide scholarship awards; and promote programs in the areas of education, health, economic security and sustainability, social justice, human rights, arts and culture.
About Our Incorporators:
Before we were incorporated, Pearls Among the Ivy Foundation Incorporated began as an ad hoc committee of Sigma Kappa Omega Chapter. The committee was tasked with completing Sigma Kappa Omega’s 501c(3) (non-profit) application. The committee was timebound and would cease to exist once
the foundation had been established.
The committee was led by Ms. Deborah Scales and Mrs. Audrey Franklin. Over the years, committee members included: Doris Jones, Marvette Artis, Marilyn King-Lewis, Mozell Weston, Karen Dyer, Juliaette S. Thomas, Deena D. Currie, Kim Cheek, Becky Jo Peterson-Buie, and Karla C. Lewis. On December 14, 2015, the committee submitted their incorporation papers. The Pearls Among the Ivy Foundation, Incorporators are: Mozell Weston, Audrey D. Franklin, Deborah Scales, Juliaette S. Thomas,
Deena D. Currie, Kimberly R. Cheek, and Karla C. Lewis.